| 更新时间 2025-02-03 07:03:00 价格 850元 / 台 品牌 西门子 型号 电源电缆 产地 德国 联系电话 19514738860 联系手机 19514738860 联系人 黄经理 立即询价 |
3WA Air Circuit Breakers西门子一级代理商-电源总代理商价格西门子一级代理商-电源总代理商价格The 3WA air circuit breakers are used as incoming feeder, tie, and outgoing feeder circuit breakers in electrical installations in industry, buildings and infrastructure applications.They reliably protect electrical systems and machines from damage and, thanks to their robust design, outstanding quality and intelligent protective functions, prevent system downtimes, high downtimes and their consequential costs. Thanks to modular communication options, they can be integrated into electronic control, maintenance and energy management systems.With three sizes for AC applications and one size for DC applications, 3WA air circuit breakers cover a power range from 630 A to 6,300 A. They are available in 3 and 4 pole versions. Simple and interactive selection aids as well as function packages ensure a significantly reduced complexity in planning and selection. Based on the current IEC 60947-1/-2 standards, the 3WA can be used worldwide.Further information:Topic PageSystem overview西门子一级代理商-电源总代理商价格Systemübersicht: Offene Leistungsschalter 3WA西门子一级代理商-电源总代理商价格
The 3WA air circuit breakers are used as incoming feeder, tie, and outgoing feeder circuit breakers in electrical installations in industry, buildings and infrastructure applications.They reliably protect electrical systems and machines from damage and, thanks to their robust design, outstanding quality and intelligent protective functions, prevent system downtimes, high downtimes and their consequential costs. Thanks to modular communication options, they can be integrated into electronic control, maintenance and energy management systems.With three sizes for AC applications and one size for DC applications, 3WA air circuit breakers cover a power range from 630 A to 6,300 A. They are available in 3 and 4 pole versions. Simple and interactive selection aids as well as function packages ensure a significantly reduced complexity in planning and selection. Based on the current IEC 60947-1/-2 standards, the 3WA can be used worldwide.Further information:Topic PageSystem overviewSystemübersicht: Offene Leistungsschalter 3WA全部关于 SENTRON 3WA Air Circuit Breakers产品与解决方案在线目录与订购系统技术信息服务与支持联系人与合作伙伴服务项目 |
- 电 话:19514738860
- 联系人:黄经理
- 手 机:19514738860
- 微 信:19514738860