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Example of PROFINET communication in the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control systemIn the context of the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system, PROFINET mainly focuses on communication between the automation systems (controllers) and the process I/O.Fieldbus systemsPROFIBUS has become established as sturdy and reliable communications medium for connecting intelligent distributed I/O devices, transmitters and actuators to the controller level of the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system. The universal, open fieldbus corresponds to the international standards IEC 61158 and IEC 61784.Integration of PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1PROFIBUS DPPROFIBUS DP is both a system bus and an open communication system, 西门子上海总代理商
and is designed for moderate transmission rates and short response times. It is therefore optimally suitable for the control of the following devices:Directly connected field devices, e.g. drives, motor starters, analyzers, process controllers, or panelsDistributed I/O devices such as the SIMATIC ET 200M, SIMATIC ET 200iSP and SIMATIC ET 200pro remote I/O stationsTransmitters and actuators on a seamlessly integrated PROFIBUS PA fieldbus or FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1Since it also supports the transmission of the HART protocol, HART field devices can also be integrated in a PROFIBUS DP communication network.PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1In addition to the direct connection of transmitters and actuators including power supply via the communication medium, the high information content of the communication as well as the diagnostic options are also of importance for the automation of industrial processes that frequently take place in corrosive, harmful, and hazardous environments.Both the PROFIBUS PA fieldbus and the FOUNDATION Fieldbus 西门子上海总代理商
|H1 meet these requirements. Both are optimally suitable for directly integrating actuators and sensors in operating environments up to Ex zone 1/21 or 0/20 into the process system.Their physical bus characteristics are based on the MBP transmission technology (Manchester Coded; Bus Powered) and are largely identical according to IEC 61158. Both fieldbuses can be integrated seamlessly in the SIMATIC PCS 7 process control system using PROFIBUS DP as link.PROFIBUS PA and FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 thus profit equally from the higher-level PROFIBUS architecture.All about Industrial communicationPresales InfoCatalog and ordering system onlineTechnical infoSupportContact & partnersService offers西门子上海总代理商

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