TIA Selection Tool 有两个版本:
版本可以下载并在 Windows PC 上运行(Microsoft Windows 10 或更高版本)
一个版本从云端运行,通过移动设备直接在浏览器中启动(建议使用 Safari、Chrome 和 Firefox 浏览器)
存储在云端的项目可用两种工具进行编辑。使用平板电脑使用在家中的 PC 上,可在进给中完成工作,或者与同事和客户一起工作。
有关 TIA Selection Tool 的更多信息,请见:
使用 TIA Selection Tool 进行驱动选型计算
使用 TIA Selection Tool 进行驱动选型计算,可以确定具体的应用要求。包括电机、齿轮箱和变频器。该工具支持开环和闭环控制功能的组态和选型计算。还可以编制具有技术驱动系统特性的技术文档以及通过工业商城订购的产品列表。
变频器选型指南手机版西门子一级代理商电线电缆总代理商价格SINAMICS SELECTOR app
西门子开发了实用工具 SINAMICS SELECTOR 应用程序。采用该应用,可以快速、方便地查找功率范围从 0.12 kW 至 630 kW 的 SINAMICS 驱动器的订货号。无论 SINAMICS V20、SINAMICS G120C、SINAMICS G120X(即将推出)还是 SINAMICS G120:该应用都可以方便、正确地提供它们的订货号。
概述西门子一级代理商电线电缆总代理商价格SINAMICS ASSISTANT app 的错误代码功能有助于识别和纠正错误。只需输入变频器的错误代码,该 app 就会显示错误的种类及纠正方法。
该 app 还可将变频器的频率 (Hz) 换算为需要在电机上设置的转速 (rpm) 或相反。
另外,该 app 还提供了一个支持页面,当因有问题时,可在该页面上直接与您所在地区的正确联系人进行联系。而且,还免费提供有视频信息,例如,SINAMICS G120 变频器的安装与调试说明。
概述SINAMICS DriveSim Basic provides easy-to-use models for PROFIdrive-enabled SINAMICS converters, so you can create a digital twin of your drive.
The models are validated and tested against real SINAMICS converters and are available in the form of a standardized FMU (Functional Mockup Unit). Therefore, they are compatible with various standard time-based simulation programs such as SIMIT, Simcenter Amesim, ANSYS Twin Builder, MATLAB Simulink or Hopsan.
SINAMICS DriveSim Basic is another element in your engineering toolbox. Together with other virtual Siemens solutions, e.g. SIMATIC S7-PLCSIM Advanced or NX Mechatronics Concept Designer, a consistent model-based development process can be implemented.
优势Speed up time-to-market for OEMs
Test validated SINAMICS models under real conditions already at the design or planning stage and make needed adjustments
Identify issues and improvement capabilities early in the design stage and reduce testing effort to save time and cost
Download is free of charge. The ideal entry point for drive system simulation
Valid for the most commonly used Siemens drives
Advantages of SINAMICS DriveSim Basic compared to SIMIT PROFIdrive blocks:
Increased level of detail due to speed controller, current setpoint filters and internal load model
Identical parameter values and meaning as in the real SINAMICS device
Direct reference to SINAMICS documentation
Validated against the real SINAMICS drive
No wiring effort to represent functional configurations
Significant reduction of SIMIT simulation tags (even more is possible if unused in-/ outputs are deselected within the Component Type Editor (CTE)
Enables simulation of an (internal) two-mass oscillator as application with realistic SINAMICS parameter settings, besides the known limitations by the minimum sample time in SIMIT
Compatible with every FMU Co-Simulation 2.0 compatible simulation to